Carboxylate functionalized agarose carry negative charge in buffer with pH greater than 4. This medium can reversibly bind to cationic compounds through ion exchange. They can also permanently bind to the primary amine groups of biomolecules after activated to NHS version through an easy procedure. This binding is more efficient than those based on aldehide or cyanogen bromide (CNBr). NHS activated version are also available with similar price, but they are not stable during storage.We suggest that customer do fresh NHS activation right before use.
Amine functionalized agarose carry positive charge in buffer with pH less than 10. This medium can reversibly bind to anionic compounds through ion exchange. They can also permanently bind to EDC/NHS activated carboxyl groups of biomolecules.
Epoxide functionalized agarose permanently bind to thiol,amine,or hydroxyl groups. The reaction with hydroxyl groups needs high pH environment and takes more then 12 hours.
Maleimide functionalized agarose permanently bind to covalently bind to thiol groups (-SH). This reaction is very specific and fast.
Disulfide functionalized agarose covalently bind to covalently bind to thiol groups (-SH) through thio-disulfide exchange. After binding, the new formed disulfide bond can be broken by another thiol compound.
Ni chelated agarose bind to his-tagged proteins.
Protein A mofidied agarose bind to immunoglobulins, especially IgG.
Streptavidin modified agarose bind to biotin-labeled biomolecules.