
Surface plasmon resonance sensor chips

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor chips are high quality glass chips coated with a thin gold layer through vacuum deposition. These chips are functionalized with chemical groups for biomolecular (protein, antibody, enzyme, polypeptide, DNA, etc.) immobilization. The sizes of these chips are currently available for Biacore, Reichert Technologies, Bionavis, BiosensingUSA, Biosuplar and most home-made SPR instruments. All chips are packaged in inert gas. These chips are stand-alone and are not mounted on plastic substrate at this time (please send us a message for mounted chips). Please click here for how to replace the chip on the original mounting plastics. A great advantage of using stand-alone chips is that you can process the chips easily by soaking them in solvent or ultrasonic/plasma cleaning them without worry about the contaminant from the adhesive. All biochips are manufactured on a per order basis. Each package contains three pieces of chips. All listed prices are for per package and in USD.

Bare gold SPR chips, non-functionalized gold coated plate

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Bare gold SPR chip1000005-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$114

Carboxylate functionalized SPR chips carry negative charge in buffer with pH greater than 4. They covalently bind to primary amine groups after EDC/NHS activation. This binding is more efficient than aldehide-amine binging. Carboxyl groups are grafted to gold surface though selfassembled monolayer in planar chips. They are matrix free, so no diffusion problem. The mixed type of planar chips have short and long alkyl chains, and thus less steric hindrance when react with the shielded primary amines. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is monofunctional polymer that is well known for resisting non-specific adsorption. Polysaccharides (dextran and arginic acid) have long and bulky chains that extend out from gold surface, and thus have increased reacting sites compared to planar surface. Synthetic polymers (SP) have long and slim chains. They take less space in the surface area than bulky polysaccharide chains do, and thus leave more space to the target molecules. SP type I is highly negatively charged polymer due to high density of carboxylate. SP type II is mildly negatively charged polymer. SP type III has long spacer arms that extend the carboxylate groups away from the main chains.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Carboxylated Planar SPR chip, basic1101115-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$149
Carboxylated Planar SPR chip, mixed1111115-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$149
Carboxylated PEG SPR chip, basic1121115-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$159
Carboxylated PEG SPR chip, stablized1391125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
Carboxylated dextran SPR chip, thin 1511125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Carboxylated dextran SPR chip, thick 1511135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
Arginic acid SPR chip, thin 1561125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$189
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer I SPR chip, thin 1311125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer I SPR chip, thick 1311135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer II SPR chip, thin 1321125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer II SPR chip, thick1321135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer III SPR chip, thin1331125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Carboxylated Synthetic polymer III SPR chip, thick1331135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249

Amine functionalized SPR chips carry positive charge in buffer with pH less than 10. They covalently bind to biomolecules with EDC/NHS activated carboxyl groups.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Amine functionalized polymer SPR chip, thin 1344125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Amine functionalized polymer SPR chip, thick1344135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
Chitosan SPR chip, thin1544125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219

Epoxide functionalized SPR chips covalently bind to thiol,amine, hydroxyl, and other nucleophilic groups. The reaction with hydroxyl groups requires high pH and takes more than 12 hours.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Epoxide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thin1511425-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$219
Epoxide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thick1511435-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249

Maleimide functionalized SPR chips covalently bind to thiol groups (-SH). This reaction is very specific and fast.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Maleimide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thin 1516425-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$279
Maleimide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thick1516435-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$309

Disulfide functionalized SPR chips covalently bind to thiol groups (-SH) through thio-disulfide exchange. After binding, the new formed disulfide bond can be broken by another thiol compound.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Disulfide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thin 1512625-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$279
Disulfide functionalized polymer SPR chip, thick1512635-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$309

Ni complexed SPR chips bind to his-tagged proteins.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Ni chelated SPR chip, thin 1513525-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$309
Ni chelated SPR chip, thick1513535-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$339

UV-initiator modified SPR chips covalently bind to all biomolecules under ultraviolet illumination. The reaction does not rely on any chemical groups on the biomolecules. It takes about 15 minutes under 100W UV lamp.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
UV initiator I modified SPR chip, thin 1517525-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$249
UV initiator I modified SPR chip, thick1517535-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$279

Protein A immobilized SPR chips bind to many mammalian immunoglobulins (antibodys), especially IgGs, through Fc region. It makes these chips good candidate for label free immunoassay

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Protein A immobilized SPR chip, thin 1770125-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$309
Protein A immobilized SPR chip, thick1770135-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$339

Streptavidin immobilized SPR chips bind to biotin-labeled biomolecules.

DescriptionCatalog NoSizePackPriceQty
Streptavidin immobilized SPR chip, thin 1770525-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$309
Streptavidin immobilized SPR chip, thick1770535-318x18x0.3mm3 pcs$339

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